"Music is my soul and passion. It is what holds my thoughts and desires. Without it, we're nothing but deadless souls."
I was surprised to find articles in Tooning In that deals with popular music. Fascinating, eh?! Well, apparently music is everything and everywhere. It's so universal! Everyone use it, no matter where they go, no matter what they do, music is essential. It may not seem like it but just any sound of beat is music; in the advertisements on television, the introduction of the weather channel, the radio, anything. If you think about it, how many people can you think of that hates (maybe hate is too harsh, what about DISLIKES) the sound of music? I barely know anymore who dislike music. All my friends love music, and they always say, "It's their favorite hobby" or "Music is me"; you get the point.
As for myself, music is words to my ears. I love listening to music because it allows me to feel what the singer or creator is feeling, whether it's cheerfulness or saddness. Most of the time, I only listen to the music and not the words because I use music as a study energy to set my atmosphere; whereas everything is calm, at peace, and disaster - free. I'm a traditional, plain girl who listens to music that fits into the mood. I listen to more Asian songs and hip-hop and soul, but also rap when I just want to be in that "rap" mood. I know --- what is she talking about, right?! Anyways, Hmong songs are what I mainly listen to everyday. Many songs relate to love, family crisis, and wartime. From my perspective, the Hmong music speak to its listeners; just for the fact that someone can actually relate to it. This is the same with any cultural music. For example, this song is about the Hmong people who lives along the mountains in Laos and Thailand. I feel that it's awareness to show us that people live basically anywhere and this is how they live.
Tooning In, Chapter 4 and 12:
As I was reading the each chapters, I notice how they each focused on one specific topic. Chapter 4 strikingly takes my breathe away as it describes how pop culture is experiencing the realm of criticism although it has not effectively dominanted our lives. Chapter 12 notes how the role of media and music makes its connections with social studies. However, I think that when it comes to teaching music, music should teach music and social studies should teach social studies, unless the teacher is a combination of both subjects then, that's a different story. In correlation, these two chapters highly speak of something that everyone knows of: MUSIC! Music itself as a multimedia growing industry, images off the societial issues that occurs everyday in our own backyard. Words not only reflect off the creators voice but perhaps the many other voices that cannot be heard.
Quotes that caught my eyes:
"The growth of socially relevant music that leads to increased involvement and activism is an outcome of a variety of recent events including the Bush presidency, 9/11, the war in Iraq, the perceived role of the United States in the world and issues related to social justice" (p. 39)
"A strong argument can be made that pop culture has become the most influential education institution for our children in society, and many seem quite frustrated by this" (p. 40)
"It is not only a reflection of culture and the times, but it is also often an active force in societal change" (p. 40) ---> I love this one!
"Issues related to capitalism, globalization, music choices, hegemony as the driving force, marketing, and how each related to social efficacy could easily be integrated in schooling as well as we attempt to faciliate critical and active participation in society" (p. 43)
"Music is a natural intrinsically motivating factor in our lives and should be celebrated for its potential in promoting social efficacy and activism" (p. 47)
"Music is universal language, or so the saying goes" (p. 111)
"Using music to enhance learning, to connect issues and the times in history, to illustrate a cultural identity, or to promote unity for a cause is not a foreign concept" (p. 117)Music + Education = Creativity
I believe that children are best learners when it comes to music; somehow, the words and rhythm of the beat just seems to flow into their minds and sit there in their brain forever. It's beautiful art made by imagination because it's something that anyone can create on their own and in their own special way. Most importantly, intergrating popular music into the classroom not only gives the teacher an opportunity to learn about their students but also the effectiveness within the classroom itself. I sometimes find it hard to believe for myself, but I think students stay more calm and obedient when they listen to music (that's age appropriate and school approved). Last semester, I volunteered at New Millennium Academy in the 7th grade, I didn't know what to expect from the students at all. They were all shy and not even talking to me. My job was to help the students who were more slow and help them learn more english at the same time. So, one day I was left with a substitute and was totally helpless but luckily, I had access to the teacher's laptop. I remember asking the students if they want me to put on some music to put them into "working mode" and before I knew it, everyone was like shouting at me about what song to put on. I was amazed at how one word, music, can start such a conversation. We all spent about a good ten minutes debating on the best song to put on. Even the substitute teacher put in her opinion.
Popular culture gives us a great way to understand how students think and respond to anything they learn, and popular music plays a major role in a students learning ability. For instance, I know everyone has gone through this phase of learning their alphabets with the ABC song. My baby sister, who is only 4, sings this song everyday while she smacks these alphabet magnet letters onto the refrige. I find it annoying sometimes but it makes me happy to know that she's being learning something good. Music can be educational and it can make young children, such as my sister, become involved in a musical world where learning is essential and fun!
Because a music is a vital component of youth's popular culture preferred over even movies and television, the teacher's understanding and application of popular music can be a powerful tool for teaching and learning in social studies education (p. 111).
Monday, March 30, 2009
Music to my...your ears!
Posted by mai thao at 11:12 PM 9 comments
So far within this course...
Honestly, I tend to forget this class! (I know --- that's TERRIBLE!) BUT I'm always checking my Umail (hahaha...Umail...Sorry, I'm being lame right now) and I also have another blog that I have to manage for my Japanese class as well. So, I'm on top of things...(I think?!). Plus, I'm horrible at remembering things like this...luckily, I'm into the habit of checking my e-mail almost every two to three hours (I know --- that's CRAZY!) but it works for me!
My most feared thought about taking this course: AM I GOING TO PASS?! That's always been my #1 fear when I registered for this class. I "think" because it's an online class and I never took an online class before, so I don't know what to expect. I've heard from many of my friends who took online classes said that it's an easy "A". But to tell you the truth, it's not an easy "A". It's a lot harder than going to class and seeing your professor lecture away. You have to keep track of your work everyday, check your e-mail for responses, tasks, homework, whatever. It's twice for what you're asking for. But thanks to Professor Thom, who sends our grades and comments via e-mail and voicemail, I, at least, know that I am passing and doing well so far (^_^) so, kudos to you!
The best part of this course is reading everyone's blogs! I love how everyone expresses their opinions on the topics. I can find humor, deep thoughts, seriousness, and hard effort being put into making these blogs. I know that I sound corny but you would probably think the same thing. I like how everyone is different and express in their own unique way (That's the good thing about this class too = everyone's different!). When I'm reading the blogs, I always find two to three things that I find interesting from the topic and think to myself, "Oh, I never thought of that" or "S/he is right!" So, kudos to everyone in the course!!!
Overall, as for the course itself, I'm learning and that's all that I need. I feel that I also taught myself a lot more through reading the classmate blogs (weekly) and just writing these 2 to 3 page blogs. I sometimes tend to find myself sitting on my bed going crazy trying to start a real smooth introduction. Later I find myself just writing whatever to start it. (Thank goodness this can be informal writing =.= ) I am satisfy with this class even though I only communicate through online services. It may not be much help, but hey, who wouldn't want to take a chance at online courses?! So, I am pleased to take this course.
Posted by mai thao at 9:52 PM 6 comments
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Fake News? Real News?
On the image (left): I was browsing on Google and found this, which I thought was funny. Love his expression and interperration of a bat boy ^_^
This week is on "Fake News". That's a topic to think about. I barely have any time to watch the news or read newspapers anymore since I'm on a tight schedule (school, work, problems at home, the life, whatever) and yet, I find myself trying to update on everyday events.
Fake news in a political stand, according to the article written by Andrea Janus, Researchers from Ohio State University found television viewers who watch fake news programs are less informed about issues and candidates in election campaigns than those who watch network news shows. This article has a strong stand point on how entertainment shows (or mock news show) don't provide our local viewers the "best way to learn about political candidates and issues" --- and to tell the truth, it's true. I'm a very neutral person when it comes to politics and government. If the media has to make something interesting to catch the viewers attention, then go ahead. The public can only handle so much information that is bias and legitimate that sometimes, they need a break from it.
So, what can make of "fake news" in general? Maybe the fact that it's used a source to bring some excitement and enjoyable news to a reader's mind. If you think about it, at times like this where the economy is unstable, wouldn't you rather laugh than stare at the news making comments on unemployment increases?! Sooner or later --- fake news will be a big popular culture one of these days. Anyways, I think that fake news are fun. Yeah, if all the news that surround us was ALL FAKE, it'll be problematic of course. On the other hand, why can't we As I read all the articles for this week, they really got me thinking about where to draw the line between what's real and what's fake. Such entertainment shows as The Daily News and The Colbert Report have gained in popularity in the past years, but who knows how long they've been doing fake news in the industry. They practically provide their show viewers a humorous opinion on our politicans, which I also find amusing myself. However, whose to say that everything in life must be serious and real?! In general, fake news pokes out to us those need-to-make-you-laugh things that we never think of when it comes to society.
A few thoughts on "Fake News" out there:The Onion First off, I would never (ever) imagine that the Onion was one. The first time that I actually opened the paper and read it, I thought it was simply hilarious. Now, this "fake news" is something that can enjoyable. Because of my busy schedule and life, I've only read the Onion once in a long time but I found that there were some interesting topics to get me thinking...hahahaha....they usually made my day, too. I don't have nothing against it now or later, it's fake news but hey it's a GOOD laugh! Don't you agree with me?
Lately, I have been receiving these short texts on my cellphone. They seem to be short little facts or something, but I don't know. It's always asking for me to call this one number for help...so yeah. Sometimes, I think that are all fake and yet, they sound so real. WHICH makes me think twice about deleting it for the moment. For example:
Mailmen in Russia now carry revolvers after a recent decision by the government.
In reality, fake news is no different than the news that we hear or read everyday. I am a very gullible person, who will believe anything (that's if I don't know anything about it) and still, I don't believe everything I see or hear on the news.
In relation to education, I think it is okay to incorporate some fake news into a class lesson. It make's the students think more critically and bring some humor into the atmosphere. Not only is it humor, but fake news or real news allows the students individually to connect to the outside socieities surrounding them. In addition, if we don't help students to think for themselves on how the media presents such current events, how will they learn to identify the difference later in the future? Then again, students can approach these fake news with questions and opinions as they do to everything else that they do.
Well, that's all for now...
Posted by mai thao at 4:30 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
15 Random Facts About Myself
This is something out of the blue...so here's 15 random facts about myself:
1. I was born in Thailand and came to the USA when I was about one month old
2. I am the oldest daughter in my family
3. My siblings consist of only 3 other sisters, no brothers
4. I love to do scrapbooks but never found the time to actually make one
5. One of my new hobbies since Spring Semester is to put together puzzles
6. I love eating ice-cream and sweets
7. I'll admit that I am a procrasinator when it comes to simple things
8. I've lived in California, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Florida, and now Minnesota
9. I've never stayed in one school throughout my school years (ex. 4th grade in one school, 5th grade in other school, etc)
10. Whatever I think is cute, It's CUTE
11. I've never sang to anyone but myself
12. I love eating lemons and lime, not the skin - everytime I go to the buffet, I'll grab like 6 to 7 pieces (Yummy!)
13. I'm obessed with keeping a clean house, room, everything has to be clean and organized
14. I'm really independent (90% of the time, I think)
15. I cannot eat seafood
Yep, that's 15 things that not alot of people know about me.
Posted by mai thao at 9:19 AM 0 comments
Spring Break
How's everyone doing so far in the course?! I hope that everything is going swell and smooth, and everyone is still alive. The semester is almost over if you think about it. So keep up the good work!
Well, it's Spring Break for the U of M. And what am I doing?
-----> I'm totally bored today, so I thought that it'll be a good idea to just write something on here. I'm actually loving the weather that we've got for spring break now. Yesterday's weather was so perfect, I'm getting excited for summer! My boyfriend and I did a mini BBQ out in his backyard for the heck of it. Hopefully, the entire week will be only nice weather. I can't bare to see anymore snowfall. >.<;
Also, I have another blog which I'm doing for my Japanese class. We're using blogger as a journal entry and given topics each week to write about. Click on the link below if you want to check it out:
Posted by mai thao at 9:10 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 6, 2009
....umm yeah....
I think I got the assignments confused ... I'll post the avatar up by the end of this week hopefully...
But the avatars are funny! hahahaa...LOL...I need to find a picture to fit the head >.<
<3 Mai
Posted by mai thao at 8:10 AM 0 comments